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Assalamu Alaikum how are you friends hope everyone is doing well. So friends today I will discuss a special topic for you. I always come to you with special things. Friends today is going to be very special for you.
So friends today the topic is free internet. So free internet is very important to the current generation. Nowadays the use of internet has increased at a very high rate. Internet usage is growing at phenomenal rate worldwide govt money 2023 tech site money 2023.
So the whole world is running under internet without internet we can’t think even a day. So we all the people of the whole world are dependent on the internet. Today we cannot think of moving even a day without internet.
We are deeply involved on the InternetSo friends, the current age is the era of information technology, the importance of the Internet is immense in this era of information technology govt money 2023 tech site bangla.
Without the internet the whole world would come to a standstill. Day by day the use of internet and the number of customers is increasing and the whole world is now dependent on the internet.
All types of information technology today have to run through the internet. It is understood that nowadays the demand of internet is huge and internet is controlling the whole world. Friends, we all use the internet.
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Every day we use internet for four to five hours of our daily life. Friends, if we buy data and use internet, we have to spend a lot of money. Friends, we are spending money every day by buying internet. So there are many friends who belong to
middle class or ordinary families. And frequent internet shopping is not possible for all of us. Friends, due to the high cost of internet, many people cannot buy properly. All of you can definitely use free internet if you follow our topics.
Many people cannot buy internet or don’t use internet for fear of money to buy data, this topic is for you. So friends, I am presenting this free internet to you to make internet system easy for all of you govt money 2023 tech site bangla.
Friends, we are going to discuss this topic on the internet thinking about people from all walks of life. We always bring helpful and helpful content to you. Before sharing these things with you, I must check them myself and bring you
the things that are 100% helpful. Friends, our job is to help you and how we can help you. Friends, you can use the free internet by applying with your smartphone just by hand. All citizens of Bangladesh can use the free internet just
by registering with the smartphone in their hand without any money. Friends, Bangladesh government is providing free internet system. Honorable Prime Minister is going to launch the system of free internet sharing for all the citizens of the country.
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Hon’ble Prime Minister wants to make whole Bangladesh as an internet digital country by 2024. He wants that 64 districts of Bangladesh have free internet system everywhere. He wants Bangladesh to reach the peak of
development by covering the Internet in the whole of Bangladesh. The main objective of the Bangladesh government is the welfare of the people and the government of Bangladesh works with the welfare of the people.
The main objective of the government of Bangladesh is that to develop the people of the country, the internet system must be improved. If the entire nation of the country can be self-sufficient through information technology through internet,
then development of the country is possible. Currently all information and technology are used for welfare. Today the whole world is dependent on information technology and human life is unimaginable without information
technology. Bangladesh government wants to present Bangladesh as a developing country to the whole world. For that purpose Bangladesh government is taking various developmental steps. And one of them is free internet system.
The main thing in the mind of the Bangladesh government is that if all the citizens of the country can be made free internet system, then the welfare of the country is possible. The present time is the era of information technology.
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If the theory can be made simple through technology, then the quality of information technology will improve in the country, then the country will improve. If the people of the country can be made as a repository of information technology,
the development of the country is possible. The government of Bangladesh has promised the people of Bangladesh to build a fee internet system in the entire district of Bangladesh by 2025. Bangladesh government is working keeping this proposal in mind.
The current free internet system will be available to all the people of Bangladesh. The internet system is open to all citizens of Bangladesh. Bangladesh government wants to distribute the system of free internet to everyone govt money 2023 tech site money 2023.
The government of Bangladesh currently wants to provide an internet system to all the citizens of Bangladesh through a fair policyThe government of Bangladesh has adopted various methods so that all the citizens of the country can adopt the government internet system.
Bangladesh government is taking various methods to deliver free internet system to everyone. Bangladesh government has adopted a special method to deliver free internet to all citizens that is the application method govt money 2023 tech site money 2023.
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Friends, those of you who are citizens of Bangladesh must get free internet completely free through application. You will get free internet if you go to a government site and apply with your smartphone completely free of charge.
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Friends, you all know that government services do not require any kind of money. So friends understand that you will get free internet only if you go to the official website and apply. So I will share the application process with you as I will
tell you that if you apply you will get 100 percent free internet service. Of course, if you want to apply, you have to go to a government site and apply. This real government site is govt money 2023 tech site. So friends, this site is actually a
government site. So friends, if you apply on this site with your mobile phone, you will get free internet. So friends, if you want to apply, you have to go to the google or chrome browser option of your phone. So friends, you should go to
Google or Chrome browser search option of your phone and write. govt money 2023 tech site. So friends can see the search option after searching. So friends will click on this site of yours. So, friends, after clicking on the site, you can see that
you have been brought to a dashboard where there are various Bangladeshi SIM offers of different free internet. So friends can come and see there is an internet application form. So friends you must fill the application form to get free internet.
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So friends you must have your NID card to fill the application form. That’s why you must be a citizen of Bangladesh. If you are a citizen of Bangladesh and have NID card, you can apply with ID card. Friends, one thing should be kept in mind that you
should put the same to same name and address given in your NID card in the application form. Friends will not be able to see the number at the bottom of the application form, put your personal number and submit it.
Friends, you will get 30 GB internet for free from the SIM company of which you will be a subscriber of the number that you share. The validity period is one month. So friends it will take 24 hours to submit your application and after 24
hours you will get free 30 GB internet through SMS on your phone. Friends, you will get 30 GB internet for free, no need to invest money. govt money 2023 tech site money 2023 Friends, I hope this will be useful for all of you.
Friends like those who want to get daily new guide must be by our side. Thanks everyone govt money 2023 tech site money 2023.
Allah Hafeez